Showing posts with label Anti Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti Hacking. Show all posts
The intruder (also Know as Attacker ) is the first element in the attack model.An intruder is a person who attempt to gain unauthorized access to a system ,to damage that system ,or to disturb data on that system .in summary ,this person attempts to  violate security by interfering with...

phishing a technique used by cyber criminal who try steal your confidential info by pretending to be someone you trust.For example, you may receive an email that seems to have been sent by your bank asking for your account details,but in reality would have been sent by  a phishing expert....

Viruses are Dangerous software that can cause great damage to your system.The antivirus software can protect your system from Virus,however at time they may not detect the new viruses .The best way to protect your system from Viruses is to prevent viruses from getting into your system ,as the...

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