For Webmasters, The major search Engines are the most important places to be listed, because they can potentially Generate so much traffic.

For Searcher ,Well -known, commercially-backed search engines generally mean more dependable results,These search engines are more likely to be well -maintained and upgraded when necessary,to keep pace with the growing web

The search Engines below are all excellent choices to start with when searching for info


voted four time Most outstanding search Engine Watch readers,Google has a well -deserved reputation as the top Choice for those searching the web .The Crawler-Based service provides Both Comprehensive Coverage of the Web along with Great Relevancy it,s highly Recommended as a First Stop in Your hunt for whatever you are looking for

Google Provides The option to find more than web pages, however .Using On the top of the search box on the Google home page,you can easily seek out images from across the web discussions that are taking place on Usnet newsgroups ,locate news info or perform product searching .Using the more links provides access to human-compiled info from the Open Directory ,catalog Searching and other service .

Yahoo !

Launched in 1994 ,Yahoo is the Web's oldest  '' Directory.'' A place human editors Organize web sites into categories .However , in October 2002 made a giant shift to Crawler-based listings for ts result .These came Fro Google until February 2004 Now, Yahoo   Uses its own Search Technology 

Note : Crawler -Based search engines such as Google , create their listings Automatically  they , "Crawl"  or  "spider" the Web , then people search through what they have found.if You change -  you web pages, Crawler-based search engines eventually find these changes, and that can affect how you are titles,body copy and other elements all play a role. }

in addition to excellent search result , you can use tabs Above the search Box on the yahoo home page to seek images ,yellow page listings or use Yahoo,s excellent shopping search engine .Or visit the Yahoo search home page ,Where even more specialized search options are offered . The Yahoo Directory Still survives .You ,ll Notice " Category" links below some of the sites list in response to a keyword search .When offered, these will take you to a list of web sites that have been reviewed and approved by a human editor 


Ask jeeves initially gained fame in 1998 and 1999  as being the " natural Language " search engine that let you search by asking question and responded with what seemed to be the right answer to everything .

in reality ,Technology wasn't made Ask jeeves perform so well .Behind the scenes ,the Company at one point had about 100 editors who monitored search logs.They then went out onto the Web and located what seemed to be the best sites to match the most popular  queries.

Thank You ..



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